Provisional Practice Supervision—Overview

Contact the Registration Team
416-591-3828 ext. 222
ext. 222

College of
Physiotherapists of Ontario
Attn: Registration Team
375 University Ave.
Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2J5

A person who has successfully completed the Written Component of the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) can apply for a Provisional Practice Certificate of Registration. This allows them to work as a Physiotherapy Resident. The Physiotherapy Resident is required to find one or more physiotherapists who will act as their Practice Supervisor.

Applicants can propose the name of a Practice Supervisor in the PT Portal. 

Anyone who plans a Practice Supervisor should first complete the module: Supervising a Physiotherapy Resident: Everything You Need to Know as Their Supervisor.

Complete the module

Once the College has approved a Practice Supervisor, the supervisor will receive an email instructing them to log in to the Online Member Portal to complete a Practice Supervision Agreement. The College must receive the agreement before the Physiotherapy Resident can provide patient care.

There are two other situations in which a Practice Supervisor must complete a new Agreement:

  • When a Physiotherapy Resident has only one Supervisor and wants to change Supervisors, they cannot practice until the College receives this agreement and approves the Practice Supervisor.
  • When a Physiotherapy Resident has more than one Practice Supervisor and wants to change or add a Supervisor, they can continue to practice while the new Supervisor completes the agreement.

Supervision: Answers to Your Questions

FAQs: Supervision

  • Who can be a Practice Supervisor?

  • What does the College expect from a Practice Supervisor?

  • What is an appropriate level of supervision?

  • What records should a Practice Supervisor keep?

  • When do Practice Supervisors have to report to the College?

  • I am a new graduate and I want to register as a Physiotherapy Resident. How do I apply to the College?

  • When does my Provisional Practice Certificate expire?

  • Do I need to have an offer of employment before I apply for my Provisional Practice Certificate?

  • Can I submit an application for a Provisional Practice Certificate if I have no Practice Supervisor?

  • How much does it cost to apply for a Provisional Practice Certificate?

  • Does my Practice Supervisor have to have three years of experience as a physiotherapist in Ontario?

  • How long will it take to approve my application?

  • What should I do if I need to change my Practice Supervisor?

  • Can a Physiotherapy Resident roster for controlled acts?

  • I am a PT Resident and my Practice Supervisor is going on vacation for six weeks. Can I continue working while my supervisor is away?