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Let’s Get Strategic

May 25, 2016

Whoever first said ‘time flies’ could have been talking about the strategic planning cycle.

Four years ago—a month after I had started working at the College― Council met to develop a strategic plan. They set three goals that we’ve been working hard to achieve, goals to ensure that physiotherapy regulation in Ontario focussed on things that matter—things that contribute to delivering safe, competent and ethical care. You may be familiar with the goals that Council set as you’ve read about them here and in Perspectives over the years. I hope you’ve seen the impact in new Standards, new communications activities, our work around clinic regulation and changes to our registration processes. We’ve also been working to improve our technological infrastructure—that may be a part of our strategic plan that isn’t as obvious (so far). We have one year left to reach our goals in the current strategic plan, and now it’s time to set the path for the next three or four years to come as we start strategic planning once again!


We’ve already talked to a group of physiotherapists who attended our breakfast at OPA InterACTION 2016, as well as Academic Practice Leaders. We’ve received input from our Citizens Advisory Group.

And now it’s your turn. This link will lead you to a list of things that could be the most important things for the College to focus on over the next several years. We’d like you to rank them so we know where you think we ought to focus. Or, if we haven’t identified something that you think we should pay more attention to, we need to hear that as well. Your input will be shared with Council when they meet to set the priorities and you’ll get a chance to read about the results over the summer or in the early fall.

What are you waiting for: weigh in now!


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  1. Anonymous | Jun 16, 2016

    Yes indeed. from my experience over seas; all physiotherapy clinics are registered and managed by health care providers and it is not allowed for non health care providers to open any sort of clinics.


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