Practice Advice & Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answer to your question below or contact the Practice Advisors for free and anonymous advice.

The Practice Advisors offer a safe place for physiotherapists, PT Residents, PT students, patients, caregivers and others to ask questions about physiotherapy practice.

Not sure what rule applies? Looking for something on the website and can't find it? Dealing with a tough ethical dilemma and need to talk it through? The Practice Advisors are here to help. Call 647-484-8800 or 1-800-583-5885 (extension 241) or email

Si vous désirez communiquer avec une conseillère en français, veuillez appeler directement Mary-Catherine au 1-800-583-5885 ou au 416 591-3828, poste 294.

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Be sure to scroll down to see a complete list of all of the College's Practice Advice questions. Below, on the left side, you may search by category or you may search by entering a specific term in the FAQs search bar.

Featured Question: 

What should a physiotherapist consider before having volunteers or non-physiotherapy students spend time in a clinic? 


There are several things to consider when allowing volunteers or non-physiotherapy students to shadow PTs or spend time in a clinic:

  • Patient Privacy and Confidentiality: Make sure volunteers understand and adhere to patient confidentiality policies to protect patients’ personal health information. Provide training on your privacy policies and procedures as needed.
  • Consent: Physiotherapists must get consent from patients before involving anyone in their care. Consent should be documented in the patient's chart. Remember that patients can refuse or change their mind about involving others in their care.
  • Supervision: Be clear with patients about the role and responsibilities of volunteers. Assign a supervisor that can provide an appropriate level of supervision. Don’t assign activities that require special knowledge and training to perform.
  • Boundaries: Provide education to volunteers on the importance of maintaining professional boundaries with patients. You can train volunteers in the use of professional communication and how to identify potential boundary violations like using language that’s not directly related to clinical care.
  • Infection Control: Train and educate volunteers about your clinic’s infection control policies and other relevant safety procedures.

Be sure to review the Supervision Standard, for further guidance.  Remember, if a volunteer participates in the treatment of a patient, their name and title must appear on the invoice.  

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