
Complaints Process
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How to Make a Complaint 

If you have a concern or complaint about the care you received from your physiotherapist, you have the right to submit a complaint to the College. Submitting a complaint is easy and straightforward. Learn more about the complaints process. 

Email: investigations@collegept.org
In Toronto: 416-591-3828 ext. 227
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-583-5885 ext. 227

How to Make a Formal Complaint

To file a complaint submit the complaint in writing, by email or as a recording, or you can download a complaint form and send it by email, or mail.

  • Email: investigations@collegept.org
  • Fax: 416-591-3834
  • Mailing address:
    College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
    c/o Regus Business Centre
    1 Dundas Street West, Eaton Centre, Suite 2500 
    Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z3 Canada 

We will need:

  • The name of the physiotherapist. Staff can help if you do not have the exact name or you can look online using the College’s Public Register.
  • Your name and contact information.
  • The patient’s name (if this complaint is about someone other than you).
  • As much detail as possible about your concern or the event that took place.

Download and Fill Out a Complaint Form

Contacting the College

After you have made a complaint, you will hear back from a College staff person within two business days. If you have questions or concerns, please contact investigations@collegept.org or call 416-591-3828 ext. 227 or 1-800-583-5885 ext. 227.

Mandatory Reporting

Ontario law requires all health care providers and facility operators, such as employers and clinic owners, to inform the College in a number of situations. Learn more.

Key Definitions of Terms

Regulated Health Professions Act, Complainant, Parties, Panel, Professional Misconduct Regulation, Sexual abuse of a patient, Exception, Incompetence, Incapacity

Key Definitions

Frequently Asked Questions Download the FAQs PDF

FAQs: Addressing Complaints

  • Who can file a complaint with the College?

  • What kinds of complaints can the College address?

  • Should I discuss the issue with my physiotherapist before making a complaint?

  • Can I complain to the College without giving my name?

  • Should I continue to be treated by a physiotherapist I have complained about?

  • Can I make a complaint about a physiotherapy clinic rather than a physiotherapist?

  • How long do I have to file a complaint?

  • How do I make a formal complaint?

  • What happens after I file my complaint?

  • Who makes a decision about the complaint?

  • What happens if I change my mind after I file a complaint?

  • How long does the complaints process take?

  • What kinds of decisions can the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee make?

  • What if I am not happy with the decision?

  • Can a complainant get legal advice?

  • What is a Peer/Expert Opinion?

  • What information should I include in my letter of complaint?

  • Can the College staff provide me with advice related to my complaint?

  • Is the complaints process confidential?

  • Will the College access my health information/patient records related to the complaint?

  • Can the Committee require the physiotherapist to apologize or provide me with a refund?

  • What happens after a complaint is filed with the College?

  • What happens if during the process someone is unable to meet a timeline?

  • During the complaints process, can a complainant contact the College?

  • What information will the person who made the complaint receive from the College during the process?

  • Who are the members of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC)?

  • How often does the Committee reviewing complaints meet?

  • What kinds of cases are referred to the Discipline Committee?

  • Is any part of the complaints process, including the decision, made public?

  • What happens if there is an immediate risk to the public?