Practice Advice & Frequently Asked Questions

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The Practice Advisors offer a safe place for physiotherapists, PT Residents, PT students, patients, caregivers and others to ask questions about physiotherapy practice.

Not sure what rule applies? Looking for something on the website and can't find it? Dealing with a tough ethical dilemma and need to talk it through? The Practice Advisors are here to help. Call 1-800-583-5885 ext. 241 or email

Si vous désirez communiquer avec une conseillère en français, veuillez appeler directement Mary-Catherine au 1-800-583-5885, poste 294.

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Featured Question: 

I’m going on parental leave. What do I need to do to manage my registration with the College?


Option 1: Continue to hold an Independent Practice Certificate

If you choose this option, you must update the PT Portal with your last date at work, even if you plan to return to the same place of employment following your leave. Be sure to also update your contact details (i.e. switch your email from a work address to your personal email address), so the College can reach you during your absence to make you aware of mandatory activities, such as annual renewal, PISA or Jurisprudence. You are still required to complete these activities, even if you are on leave. Some physiotherapists use their work email as the contact for the College but disable it during their parental leave. If this happens, you could miss vital information from the College that could affect your registration.

Option 2: Resign your registration with the College

If you do not plan to use your PT title during your leave, you can resign your registration for the time you are planning to be off. To resign, please go to the PT Portal and sign in, then click My Profile and select Submit Resignation Notice.

If you resign between April 1 and December 31, you can apply for a credit to be used toward future registration fees. The fee credit amount is based on the days remaining in the registration year and is valid for 12 months in most cases. For parental leaves, the credit is valid for 18 months. 

To register again, you will need to reapply to the College, which can take up to two weeks to process. You will also need to meet the registration requirements in place at the time of your application. 

Learn more about Going on Leave, Retiring, or Resigning

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