Practice Advice & Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answer to your question below or contact the Practice Advisors for free and anonymous advice.

The Practice Advisors offer a safe place for physiotherapists, PT Residents, PT students, patients, caregivers and others to ask questions about physiotherapy practice.

Not sure what rule applies? Looking for something on the website and can't find it? Dealing with a tough ethical dilemma and need to talk it through? The Practice Advisors are here to help. Call 1-800-583-5885 ext. 241 or email

Si vous désirez communiquer avec une conseillère en français, veuillez appeler directement Mary-Catherine au 1-800-583-5885, poste 294.

In rare instances, the information presented may indicate that a person is at risk or fraudulent business practices are happening. In these cases, the advisor may share the information with others. The advisor will let you know that the information is being shared, why it is being shared, and any next steps.  

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Be sure to scroll down to see a complete list of all of the Collegeʼs Practice Advice questions. Below, on the left side, you may search by category or you may search by entering a specific term in the FAQs search bar.

Featured Question: 

Does the College have any guidance for physiotherapists who are supervising a PT resident?


Yes! As a College-approved supervisor, you are an important and valued link for a PT resident to move towards their independent registration.  Not only do you act as a clinical mentor, but you also demonstrate for them how to behave as a regulated health professional.  

The College has a learning module called Supervising a Physiotherapy Resident: Everything You Need to Know as Their Supervisor. This module provides useful tips on how to manage your supervision, including keeping records of your meetings and tracking learning goals. It also introduces tools on the CPO website, such as the Identification of Learning Needs and Record Keeping Checklist.

Keeping records is key. For example:

  • Track the dates and details of your check-in meetings.
  • Monitor the progress of set learning goals.
  • Document the results of any chart reviews.

If you have concerns about a resident’s practice or need advice on your supervision, please reach out to us at Practice Advice.

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