Leadership Team

Craig Roxborough, Registrar and CEO, College of Physiotherapists of Ontario

Craig Roxborough, PhD (he/him)
Registrar & CEO

Anita Ashton Interim Registrar College of Physiotherapists of Ontario

Anita Ashton (she/her)
Deputy Registrar & CRO

Mary Catalfo, College of Physiotherapists of Ontario Director of Finance

Mary Catalfo (she/her)

Director, Finance

Lisa Pretty College of Physiotherapists of Ontario

Lisa Pretty (she/her)

Senior Director, Organizational Effectiveness

Mara Berger  Director, Policy, Governance & General Counsel

Mara Berger (she/her)
Director, Policy, Governance & General Counsel 


Tom Aitas (he/him) Manager, Information Technology taitas@collegept.org

Fiona Campbell
(she/her) Senior Physiotherapist Advisor fcampbell@collegept.org

Melissa Collimore (she/her) Manager, Registration mcollimore@collegept.org

Diane Daley (she/her), Manager, People & Culture ddaley@collegept.org

Joyce Huang (she/her), Manager, Strategy jhuang@collegept.org

Allan Mak (he/his) Investigations Manager, Professional Conduct amak@collegept.org

Shelley Martin (she/her) Manager, Quality Assurance smartin@collegept.org

Manon Prince (she/her) Manager, Examinations mprince@collegept.org

Shauna Grey (she/her) Manager, Communications (contract) sgrey@collegept.org