The College and You

As self-regulated professionals, physiotherapists depend on the College to uphold the standards of practice and ensure safe, quality care for the people of Ontario who seek the services of registered physiotherapists.

 Perspectives Newsletter  

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Assistive Devices Program

The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) provides consumer centered support and funding to Ontarian with long-term physical disabilities.

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Recent Updates

Jan 30, 2020

Do You Employ PTs? Sign Up for Quarterly Information Updates

Are you a clinic owner, gym owner, manager or supervisor who employs physiotherapists in Ontario? 

As regulated health professionals, physiotherapists have obligations under the law to practice safely and ethically. 

But did you know that employers have legal obligations too? What you're responsible for can be confusing, especially if you're not a regulated health professional yourself. 

The College is here to help! We recently launched our quarterly PT Employers Update - important information crafted especially for employers. 

Stay informed and sign up today. 

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